MAMA package

  • free initial face to face consultation

  • one prenatal visit (up to 2 hrs) to discuss birth & postpartum plan

  • one prenatal visit to meet and discuss birth plan with your provider at your 36 week visit

  • continuous encouragement & prayer throughout your pregnancy

  • on call 24/7 after 38 weeks 

  • resources on care providers including pediatricians, pelvic floor therapy, chiropractors, therapy, counseling, lactation consultants, lip & tongue tie pediatric dentists, tried and true supplements, & registry recommendations, if desired.

  • continuous labor support from early labor to the birth of your baby (includes up to 12hrs. Additional hours will be billed $30hr)

  • initial latch support if needed

  • one postpartum visit (up to 2 hrs) this can include a check in to see how you are doing, tidy help, or watching baby so you can get some rest

  • check ins during the first month postpartum




Email me to make sure I am available for your due date before scheduling a consultation! I’m currently only taking clients due in January, February, April, May, October & November.


Schedule a consultation with me! Let’s meet for coffee to see if we’re a good fit!


Start the booking process!

I can’t wait to work with you!

More services to come!

HAVE questions? LET’S CHAT

                        Text: 214-770-7090