Hi! I’m Laura!
I am so glad you stopped by!
I’m married to my husband Richard and we have four beautiful children, 3 sons and 1 daughter. My journey into pregnancy and motherhood looked much different than I anticipated. Body image insecurities unexpectedly re-surfaced and I found myself in the trenches of postpartum depression and anxiety with all three of my sons. My pregnancy & postpartum journey with my daughter, Olive, was the beginning of a new healing journey which led to me starting “Olive Nest”. I absolutely love birth and supporting women in the moments they need support and encouragement the most. I have learned how present and tender God is in the process of carrying life, giving birth, the tender postpartum days, and in every moment of motherhood. I would be so honored to walk alongside you as your doula!
Serving clients delivering at Baylor University Medical Center - Dallas, home births, and birth centers within a 20 mile radius of Richardson, TX.
YOU were made for this
I have supported women in hospital, home and birth center settings. Every woman is different as is each pregnancy, labor and birth. I am here to support you, comfort you if things need to change, and speak words of encouragement. You were made for this no matter what it looks like!