Hi! I’m Laura!

I am so glad you stopped by!

I’m married to my husband Richard and we have four beautiful children, 3 sons and 1 daughter. My journey into pregnancy and motherhood looked much different than I anticipated. Body image insecurities unexpectedly re-surfaced and I found myself in the trenches of postpartum depression and anxiety with all three of my sons. My pregnancy & postpartum journey with my daughter, Olive, was the beginning of a new healing journey which led to me starting “Olive Nest”. I absolutely love birth and supporting women in the moments they need support and encouragement the most. I have learned how present and tender God is in the process of carrying life, giving birth, the tender postpartum days, and in every moment of motherhood. I would be so honored to walk alongside you as your doula!

Serving clients delivering at Baylor University Medical Center - Dallas, home births, and birth centers within a 20 mile radius of Richardson, TX.

YOU were made for this

I have supported women in hospital, home and birth center settings. Every woman is different as is each pregnancy, labor and birth. I am here to support you, comfort you if things need to change, and speak words of encouragement. You were made for this no matter what it looks like!


  • The techniques and coaching she provided helped me feel in control and at peace even through transition. Greater than all of that though, I'm thankful for the way she took into concideration what my goals were, how I wanted to be supported and personalized her approach to fit my needs. My goal for this birth was to be more aware of the presence of God throughout labor and Laura helped me keep that intention. She will help support your goals whatever they may be and is always a warm, comforting presence."


  • “There are no words to express my thankfulness for all you’ve done to love and support our family. You are an amazing doula. Cheering you on always.”
